TONY DIGIROLAMO-Scripture tells us: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you... "Jeremiah 1:5
So the idea of who you are was born in the mind of God ... Even before the womb became your home for a time on earth.
All the different faces, tall and short, man and women, doesn't it put you in the state awe.
We do need to think outside of our human understanding and realize we can never fully understand the universe and the design of it all. It is too far from human comprehension.
The abortion issue is tearing us apart as a nation because it strikes at the heart of what we have become. What we think of life and How quickly one could end a life.
Hilary at Facebook, just told me today that she never heard it explained that way ... conception beginning in God's mind ... She was so amazed! "He was thinking of us even before we were conceived and had a plan for our lives even then!
The excitement Hilary expresses about the power of God in the Universe just delights me no end.
Who you are began in the mind of God, how awesome is that to try to comprehend?!
Don't try ... Just believe!
Tony, yes, God's plan for us began before we were conceived and after the first heartbeat following conception we were alive in Him. How anyone can choose abortion is beyond my comprehension. How anyone can be FOR abortion and against murder of any kind is beyond me.