BY TONY DIGIROLAMO- Now from a source close to those who are feeling the Obama pain, gave me some information that some dealers are getting ready to do something about it.
He said, “Sure quote on!!!!! Owners of dealerships in Virginia are considering suit against the government for the clunkers program, a dealership in Norfolk is owed $275,000 and has not seen any money at all.
And now the government wants to do the same program for appliances, so when the best buys can’t unload the Freon based freezers, will the EPA come to their rescue? I don’t think so.
In addition to all this, here is a real clunker. If the administration has their way the FCC will become the Internet police. The very things I have written tonight could be considered anti-American and turned over to Homeland Security.
Don’t look for signs of the end times they are already here!! Quote me on that one!!”
Well, yeah my source is right about all of the above and angry.
The story out today from Worldnetdaily.com: Facebook, MySpace? Obama's got your e-mail
White House spammer-in-chief wants contractor to track critics.
“The White House pages at Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube and Flickr contain thousands of comments from Americans – both supportive and critical of the administration and its policies.”
Are you ready for this? Many across America are not!
Those poor car dealers followed the rules in selling those cars they did what they needed to do. Can you imagine what would be happening if this were in reverse … the Feds would close them down and they would be going to jail.
So now they wait and they are losing interest on their money.
Like I said, Thomas Jefferson penned some words that told us what to do when a government like this one comes along.
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