Tuesday, December 15, 2009



Psychologist, William R Coulson's career is historical with the biggest names in psychology that changed the world, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.

Coulson tells us in the first segment of Culture Shock that their intent was to replace religion with psychology.

This is now happening not only here in America, worldwide as well.

They soon realized that what they were doing was a huge, terrible mistake.

People, this is where values clarification, sex education, homosexual ed, death ed, and the tearing down of any and all things religious has its roots.

Scripture alerts us to the perils of what we have done.

Beware lest any man spoil you through the philosophies of vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8

There in lies the error of our ways and the monumental tragedy of our time.

Coulson, Rogers and Maslow are the architects of this misery. Those who follow after their teaching only perpetuate the horror.

Fitting that Rogers said this of his own failig works "I started this damn thing, and look where it's taking us. I don't know where it's taking me. Perhaps it's taking us to a place that we will regret."

Bill Coulson says, "I'm afraid that it has."

As close as I am to Bill, That is how close I am to what I see happening to the future of this great country.

A generation lost needs, no, must find a new way to climb back to godly principles and the virtues of moral right thinking ... Righteousness!

You may find it difficult to believe what I've said, but look at what Columnist/Author Thomas Sowell said about Coulson:

On August 18, 1994, Columnist Thomas Sowell wrote a thought provoking column on William R. Coulson, in The Detroit News titled, The Dangers and Distortions of American Education.

He begins, " Many of us change our general outlook on life at some point or other, but few of us go back and try to repair the damage we did during an earlier period when we thought differently. Dr. William Coulson, a psychologist who once played an important role in the movement to re-orient American education from academic to psychological goals, is now trying to get people to understand what a tragic mistake that was.

Dr. Coulson's mentor, the late psychotherapist Carl Rogers, was a major guru in the drive to get schools to downplay traditional academic subjects taught in the traditional way. Instead, they were to be permissive and tend to children's emotional needs. The effect of Rogers and others with similar views would be hard to overestimate, though their names are virtually unknown to the general public."

Thomas Sowell's column in the summer of 1994 speaks volumes only a decade later (now two). Given the changes that are in the government schools today Coulson and Rogers profoundly changed it.

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