Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sexual Harassment and Political Correctness are Political Tools of Left

Sexual Harassment and Political Correctness are Political Tools of Left

RUSH: Well, even though I'm on the radio, folks, it's now obvious I have to be very, very careful with my gestures, because there's a camera in here...

No, I'm not saying sexual harassment doesn't happen. I'm just saying that it doesn't happen a whole lot of times people admit to it happening. They'll make a settlement out of court rather than go to court to litigate it just to get rid of it. It's become an accredited way for malcontent women to score some money; there's no question about it. You're not gonna have big corporate human resource people admitting this because they don't have the guts to. But that's what it's become. Just like everything else there are genuine, legitimate cases of sexual harassment, and there are phony, fraudulent, fake ones. And the phony, fraudulent, fake ones are not about sexual harassment; they're about politics, pure and simple. It's undeniable. Don't even try to argue it with me, I'm not in the mood.


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