Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama

I'm the fourth best president in American history ~ Barack Obama

The one salient point is this. This clip was the single most interesting thing Obama said in the entire 55 minute interview.

Yet it is was left on the cutting room floor. Nothing else he said in the interview was memorable.

Yet CBS 60 Minutes chose to not use it because it made him look like the arrogant, ignorant narcissist that he is.



Here's the very important note: 1) The bias of, "CBS 60 Minutes chose to not use it".

2) "Because it made him look like the arrogant, ignorant narcissist that he is."

Both of these things are a danger with every minute that the audacity of thisnarcissist marches on.

I'd like to ask if this POTUS is on antidepressants. To me it's not just his words and his actions but I can see it in his eyes.

No self-esteem in this guys bloodstream.

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