Sunday, June 24, 2012

Video: Follow the ideology

Video: Follow the ideology

Bill Whittle pulls no punches in his new Afterburner for PJTV, titled “Follow the Ideology” — but which could just as easily be titled, “Furious about Furious.”  Bill castigates the media outlets that have ignored Operation Fast and Furious, scolding them with the famous exhortation, “Have you no shame?”  Bill also has a few words with other media outlets who argue that it’s either a partisan tempest in a Capitol Hill teapot, or that OF&F was a “botched” operation that mistakenly resulted in guns flowing over the border.  As our colleague Katie Pavlich has argued in her book Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up, Bill says this wasn’t botched at all — it was a deliberate attempt to hype the supposed dangers of gun sales and push public opinion into renewing Bill Clinton’s assault-weapons ban and other gun-control measures.  Bill also believes that the hundreds of dead in Mexico from these weapons weren’t an unforeseen and tragic consequence, but part of the strategy all along — and that may be what Barack Obama and Eric Holder are hiding in their claim of executive privilege:

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