This by Ed Morrissey:
Chaput scolds American Catholics and the church.
Offering a sober evaluation of the state of American Catholicism, he added: “We need to stop over-counting our numbers, our influence, our institutions and our resources, because they’re not real. We can’t talk about following St. Paul and converting our culture until we sober up and get honest about what we’ve allowed ourselves to become.
Here, here the scolding continues, Obama, Biden and Pelosi listen to this now ... "We need to stop lying to each other, to ourselves and to God by claiming to ‘personally oppose’ some homicidal evil — but then allowing it to be legal at the same time.”
I've been about this in the Protestant church as well and we have lots to turn around. Lost so much.
The evil is in the entire fabric of our culture we've allowed and given approval to criminal behavior that should never have happened.
Archbishop Charles Chaput is right saying to Catholics how could you? You knew that the devil was in his plans ... what courage this man has to turn the attention to the church to members of the the church itself.
He gets it ... Going after abortionists and homosexuals, and Hollywood should not be the focus ... all we had to do is click or pull the lever on the candidate that holds true to God and the life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ... That He gave us!
From Catholic Psychology which is where this mess began: "The perverting of the Catholic Religious Pt1"
The year was 1966. Psychologists Dr. Carl Rogers and Dr. William Coulson requested to conduct a "pilot study" of a new emerging therapy with nuns of the order of the "Immaculate Heart of Mary". The nunship, desiring to do a good deed, agreed to allow their schools to be the first to experience Dr. Rogers' "Therapy For Normals" (TFN).
Why did Catholics and Protestants cave so quickly ... Therapy for normals was their hope to replace religion they thought that we would become better people.
Now we are in a Culture War which I believe is the war we cannot afford to lose.
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