Bill Sammon- FOX NEWS- The press never reported that Democratic strategist James Carville said he wanted President Bush to fail before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But a feeding frenzy ensued when radio host Rush Limbaugh recently said he wanted President Obama to fail.
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CSTV- TONY DIGIROLAMO- This is unbelievable! No ... No it's not.
Sammon... '[A]s news of the terrorist attacks reached the hotel conference room where the Democrats were having breakfast with the reporters, Carville announced: "Disregard everything we just said! This changes everything!"'
When the terrorists attacked us that day everything did change! It should have changed.
We were all in one accord and the nation stood together, all supported the president, We all sang God bless America. Though we were grieving many thought wow this was incredible to watch. It was!
Suddenly the whispers on the Hill ... Then the whispers got louder and things started to turn. The Liberals were getting cold feet doing the cum bi ayah thing and it started to change.
Remember when the tanks and the US forces started rolling north to Baghdad and embedded network news were bringing us those positive reports about how well it was going.
The Dems behind closed doors were getting apoplectic and then you started to hear ... Our troops are in a quagmire, this war is lost!
Well, we know what the meaning of it all is with this Bill Sammon article. They just played along till they just couldn't take it anymore. Bush's approval numbers by now were going through the roof.
The politics of personal destruction was relentless on President George W Bush ... but it will all come alive with the historical truth.
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