Dems Townhall mtgs are hearing from Americans who were disenfranchised by this Pre-Socialist, no debate, Congress.
Sen McCaskill MO after a townhall mtg "let's talk"-You didn't allow for GOP Reps in Congress to talk.
Now, their voices are being heard Hello!
This is what the POTUS can expect when stifling 50% of the American people from debate.
Then the POTUS tells his minions if you see anything "fishy" to send the email to the White House! Audacity of arrogance will take care of these protesters.
Sounds like Iran.
The GOP was shut down and never given an opportunity to debate and help shape the Health Care bill. This is a Representative form of government. The Pelosi/Reed government? Do they speak for all Americans, I don't think so.
I just heard a man at a townhall meeting with Congressman Dingle... standing next to his son in a wheelchair ... This is my son, I have a question for you ... He has a right to be represented!
And the women who told U.S. Senator, Arlen Specter D-Pa., "Medicare is broke, Social Security is broke! How can we expect the government to run Health Care when you can't even run a Cash for Clunkers program"! And the crowd roared!
Genuinely unrepresented Americans are roaring and growing in opposition to this monster of an administration that longs to bring this nation to a socialist form of governing.
Welcome to the United States of American Socialists ... if he has his way.
I've seen a lot of presidents come a go ... I never thought that America would come this close to losing it all.
This stuff pales in comparison to the Obama onslaught of Israel.
My fellow Americans, the coming against Israel as Obama has done, will be the final blow to freedom, and Earth as we know it.
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