BY TONY DIGIROLAMO-This is a giant of an industry deep in the cultural-fabric of American life.
It won't be easy to turn this around. Too many people believe in psychology.

AP-Psychologists repudiate gay-to-straight therapy
Perry Halkitis, a New York University psychologist who chairs the APA committee dealing with gay and lesbian issues, praised the report for its balance.
'Anyone who makes decisions based on good science will be satisfied,' he said. 'As a clinician, you have to deal with the whole person, and for some people, faith is a very important aspect of who they are.'
"Anyone who makes decisions based on good science" ... THIS ISN'T GOOD SCIENCE, NO LAB TEST, NO DNA, NO BLOOD TEST ... THIS IS NOT SCIENCE.
This science is what a prominent psychologist called an "observable science". I call it Pscience!
Therapist talks to you, you tell him you're attracted to the same sex ... boom you're homosexual.
And, now this is a normal behavior according to the American Psychological Association ... for years it was not.
If you went to three different Psychologists to diagnose a patient you'll come up with three different calls on the patient. That's Pscience.
For this reason ... A second opinion for a psychologist is a nightmare.
If you go to a doctor and have a lab test and they found Diabetes, 2 more lab tests would find the same results ... That's Science.
That is a fact.
This industry has caused so much confusion particularly in youngsters. When you're growing up boys tend to want to play with boys and girls with girls.
Think of what confusion that causes in a young developing mind.
Read this Pscientific report from the American Psychological Association:
"Contrary to claims of sexual orientation change advocates and practitioners, there is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation," said Judith M. Glassgold, PsyD, chair of the task force.
APA continues, "Scientifically rigorous older studies in this area found that sexual orientation was unlikely to change due to efforts designed for this purpose. Contrary to the claims of SOCE practitioners and advocates, recent research studies do not provide evidence of sexual orientation change as the research methods are inadequate to determine the effectiveness of these interventions." Glassgold added: "At most, certain studies suggested that some individuals learned how to ignore or not act on their homosexual attractions. Yet, these studies did not indicate for whom this was possible, how long it lasted or its long-term mental health effects. Also, this result was much less likely to be true for people who started out only attracted to people of the same sex."
If there is not enough evidence to prove that one can change their sexual orientation.
Well, where's the scientific evidence that they are homosexual. There is none. No lab test, No DNA, No blood test, No this is not science.
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