Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bernie Goldberg on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly: If Cain wins the nomination we'll know who to blame, the purist

Bernie Goldberg on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly: If Cain wins the nomination we'll know who to blame, the purist

BY TONY DIGIROLAMO- Okay, just watched Bernie Goldberg on The Factor with Bill O'Reilly, calling those of us that are purist in the GOP because were supporting Herman Cain for president in 2012.

That he "knows who is to blame" if Cain gets the nod over Romney.

Well Bernie who gets the blame for John McCain! Don't get me started...

I think Cain is going to fool a lot of pundits and Rino strategists. Karl Rove and Bill Kristol just can't stand to watch this unfolding. I can't stand watching them anymore.

This guy sites the target and hits it!

How better as Americans can we finally get the GOP racist charge from the left behind us. Herman Cain is the only one who can do that. I believe he would take a third of the black electorate as he said he would.

We've already shown the country that we can do that by supporting Cain rising in the polls.

He says he is not a flash in the pan! Now, when he says that don't you believe him? Flash by Cain is sustained by his intelligence.

This man is an inspiration for all of us but imagine what it means to a mother or father of minority children teaching them they can still reach the highest places in the world right here in America.

I get the feeling he loves this country!

He's optimistic and a can do man in the suit of a Ronald Reagan, in the conservative mindset and everything he does you get the notion that's where he's coming from.

That's where I'm coming from Bernie!

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