Thursday, February 16, 2012

In Kansas, a bill to protect religious freedom angers gays

In Kansas, a bill to protect religious freedom angers gays

The Department of Health and Human Services has states spooked. At least, legislators in Kansas cited the administration’s contraception mandate as a reason to expedite passage of a bill to protect religious freedoms:

Supporters of a proposal in Kansas that’s described as an attempt to protect religious freedoms told state legislators Tuesday that President Obama’s ill-fated mandate for insurance coverage of birth control is a compelling example of why the measure is needed.



Of course it does we fly in the face of their secularist leader in the White House.

Hey we're angering "gays", transgenders, lesbians, bi-sexuals, and now women, we also anger the anchors of the news media and the actors in Hollywood. we anger senators and congressman with a D after their name too.

The "We" I'm talking about here are the ones who still take God's Word seriously.We are the fundamentalist, right wing radicals, that still take seriously the Bible of our founding fathers. It's still the same chapter and verse right through the ages.

It really doesn't matter to me if the homosexual community is angry here but everyone should know why they're so angry.

And what they are doing to the Constitution in the process.

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