Via MEMRI TV, skip ahead to 9:28. I’m actually sort of charmed that a left-wing jurist thinks it matters much what’s written in a nation’s constitution. Our Supreme Court managed to tease a right to abortion out of a clause governing legal procedure, didn’t it? Seventy years earlier, a right-wing Court teased a right of contract out of the same provision. If you can do that, there ain’t much you can’t do. In fact, we’re on the cusp right now of Congress being granted a new power to force Americans to buy certain products; the clause responsible for that, which deals with regulating commerce between states, was somehow used a few years ago to reach marijuana grown in someone’s own backyard for their own use — with conservative support, do note. A smart, aggressive judge can make a document say nearly anything. The constitution sets certain goalposts, granted, but there’s a lottttt of space between them for a skilled kicker to aim.
"I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God."
What part of "perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States.
Ruth you're in violation of your oath!
Senators, Congressmen are bound by their oath "to uphold and defend the Constitution".
And the President Barack Obama you'll remember had to do a redo of his oath "to uphold and defend the Constitution" because of a mess up at the taking of the oath earlier that day.
Because it is hallowed, holy and sacred ... these servants put their hand on the Bible and must perform it as they are instructed to do.
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