Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gingrich calls new TV show anti-Christian

Gingrich calls new TV show anti-Christian

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, speaking to a crowd in Gulfport, Miss., on Friday teed off on a new ABC show called "GCB," which is based on the novel "Good Christian Bitches.”

"Here's to show you the biases of the elite media, look at the new show that's on that has the word 'Christian' in it and I want you to take the exact name, drop out Christian and put in Muslim,” Gingrich said ...

It's a winner here at Culture Shock.
We are making noise people ... We have FaceBook and Twitter and and a hundred thousand bloggers out there to turn this thing around.
Turn off ABC and the ABC "Family" Channel. Turn it off!
You know that when ABC/Disney bought the Family Channel, Pat Robertson in his sale to ABC, they have to keep the word Family in the network title ... forever. So to appease their secular, anti Christian worldview they changed the slogan of the ABC "Family" Channel. Wikipedia says, "In August 2006, an all new slogan and visual style premiered on ABC Family: A New Kind of Family. As previously stated, the word "Family" is required under the terms of the lease from Robertson."
Newts not the only one going after the evil entertainment empire.
Thank you Pat!
Stand firm, in our world this day, we're all citizen journalists... and we all have a story to tell!
You report and they may have to decide on making better programing choices. You think?!

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