Ablow: "True wealth is only one thing—always, and without exception—and it has nothing to whatsoever to do with cash: It is the absolute, unshakable knowledge that you love yourself, are loved by another human being, have the capacity to love others and understand that love is immeasurable, inexplicable and evidence of a force greater than any one person or, perhaps, all that is mortal."
But the fact that I—a psychiatrist and a person who deeply believes the words I am writing here—would still get high on such a massive cash infusion, only shows how potent a drug it would be.
"I" ... This is the reason why psychiatry is dangerous and has spawned the religion of self-love.
It has made the nation narcissistic, self-centered and thinking of an agenda that puts the "Me and I" first in the scheme of things.
I started thinking of writing this when I saw Keith on Fox News speaking, when he said you have to "love yourself". He was interviewed about his article: How to win the Mega Millions jackpot
Those words he used speaks volumes of the self-esteem movement begun by those humanistic psychologists, Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers and lesser known William R Coulson back in the 60's. They realized early on that it was a mistake but it was already too late to turn back what had been put in place. A destructive method of counseling.
That counseling of self-love is embraced by most psychologists counseling today.
Over the years Christian psychologists have embraced and integrated the secular with biblical methods of counseling. That has been a huge tragic mistake. It gave us the Rogerian, Non-directive counseling which tells the person they are not responsible for what has happened in their life.
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ. (Colossians 2:8)
James Kennedy endorsed a video I produced, What is Happening to Us? Too Much Psychology, he said, "Across the country and around the world men have attempted to live by standards far different from those of the Bible. even throughout this country, in our own public schools students are being taught a so called morality which is far different from the Ten Commandments and the Word of God.
The man who was at least partially responsible (Psychologist, William R. Coulson) for that so called morality that our children are now being taught, the man has seen the devastation it has wrought and has seen the influence spread to our churches as well.
The man who was at least partially responsible (Psychologist, William R. Coulson) for that so called morality that our children are now being taught, the man has seen the devastation it has wrought and has seen the influence spread to our churches as well.
How could some of our churches degenerate to the point that even Christian counselors are telling people that they're not responsible for their actions?"
Keith Ablow is the product of that self-esteem movement. The wizards of the mind have given us humanistic values and the secular worldview.
Thus the battle that is before us is against Judeo-Christian values and Religious Freedom.
Keith Ablow doesn't follow Scripture, but if he did he would rewrite what he said above. "True wealth is only one thing—always, and without exception—and it has nothing to whatsoever to do with cash".
Keith, it isn't just about the cash ... it's about the love of cash!
Psychology puts you first, that puts the cash first, and the things you want ... that satisfies the longing only temporarily.
That makes one narcissistic, self-centered rather than God-centered and others-centered.
Psychology has poisoned our Judeo-Christian heritage by embracing the works and philosophies of the founding fathers of humanistic psychology. It is what is most responsible for who we are today.
The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Timothy 4)
We need to change that more than ever before ... Get back to God, embrace His Commandments and His precepts, our only help in this hour.
Dreaming about winning the Lottery? Everyone reading this, chances are you will lose and the odds are I'll be right.
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