In which I once again try to liven up a slow year-end news day with a religion post
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CSTV- That's what we do here ... That's our job!
This "young evangelical" so called like many of the "Imagine" crowd, have wrapped themselves and looked to government, the state to feed the poor.
Excuse me, I thought that that was the job for church to be doing.
Keyword, WAS doing and I believe that the church must pick up that mantle. We have been adrift and there is a great need for believers to reassess their priorities.
Omaha World-Herald: Researchers, (the late) Dean Hoge, Patrick McNamara, Charles Zech and Michael Donahue, conservative Protestants give more than 3 percent of household income on average; black Protestants, 2.5 percent; mainline Protestants, 2 percent; Catholics, less than 1.5 percent; and other denominations, less than 1 percent.
Many in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, lead in giving, they tithe, 10%.
Per-capita giving in the Assemblies of God exceeds 5 percent. Adventists give more than 4 percent of their income.
The lower level of Catholic giving has puzzled just about everyone.
And that is reason for an alert to sound nationwide.
If we don't hear the alarm even more than feeding the poor is at stake we will bow down to god, the state.
Socialism is creeping up on us and this young man in the video is misguided.