In the wake of one the most publicized stories of a female teacher sexually abusing an underage student, the case of the beautiful Debra LaFave, MSNBC anchor Contessa Brewer asked a psychologist TV guest "why someone who looks like a living Barbie Doll would need to have sex with a young kid."WORLDNETDAILY.COM
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CSTV- WILLIAM R. COULSON IS THE ONE WHO KNOWS: Guest and Contributing Psychologist to Culture Shock, He had a career that is historical with the biggest names in psychology that changed the world. Such as Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.
In schools across America, time is taken from academics to provide children with drug education, suicide education, and sex education courses; the promise is to reduce or eliminate personal experimentation with drugs, sex and suicide. That promise is false. Follow up research shows increased drug use and sexual activity ...
TONY DIGIROLAMO-Do we need to be rocket scientists to see what has happened in the classrooms across America that since they are teaching kids about drugs they are doing drugs... teaching them about sex and now their having sex ... dahhh!
Even the adults haven't learned from this horror of a failure!
Stop the madness and get back to teaching academics ... if we don't William R. Coulson tells us that if this continues kiss good bye the academics and "kiss civilization good bye".
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