CULTURESHOCKTV- Fox News anchor, Megyn Kelly did it again ... She spoke about that magic moment that fell upon the crowd at Times Square, when John Lennon's song Imagine filled the air.
She spoke of how people were hugging each other and ... I'm not sure, but I don't think Megyn realizes that a lot of people across this country cannot stand that song and its history.
The fact that it is the anthem of the United Nations, I believe at least for one year, should tell you something is odd here.
And you must read this from The American Spectator, "Imagine That", By Lisa Fabrizio,
"So popular is its socialistic, yet sugar-coated message, that fellow traveler Jimmy Carter has said, 'In many countries around the world you hear [it] used almost equally with national anthems.'"
Spectator continues, "This dreaming of a dreary existence without heaven, hell, religion, countries and especially "nothing to kill or die for" sums it all up nicely. The fact Lennon himself admitted that it was "virtually the Communist Manifesto" has not diminished its continuing influence on modern-day America."
From another source that I retrieved but lost, Lennon added: "even though I am not particularly a communist and I do not belong to any movement..."
Then this trivia moment from Wikipedia, The song (Imagine) was WABC-AM 's final song before switching to its current NewsTalkRadio format.I know, I know, If it's true, it's an interesting note for Rush Limbaugh.
Megyn, hope you get the picture here ... Bill Hemmer too. I'm just thinking that you just didn't, but I'm thinking you do know the meaning of the song, "Imagine".
Am I wrong?
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