WORLDNETDAILY- "We were subject to this type of abuse and more throughout the parade route. You could not even look at the crowd without getting some type of sexual gesture. Even the Christian protesters were giving us grief for being a part of this. The experience left me feeling humiliated, embarrassed and offended," Ghiotto said.
"If any of my crew or I were to hang up pictures at the station of what we saw, we would be disciplined!" he said.
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CSTV- The beat goes on every day and the intensity of it picks up momentum. This cannot continue and it should not stand as a part of American life.
Once again it is what the Liberal er Progressives have wrought on this nation.
The rise in the Porn industry, sex crimes, teen sex and a Progressive in the White House who lied ... "I did not have sex with that woman ..."
The BBC opened an article, "Sex, lies and impeachment" with these words, "Bill Clinton, the most powerful leader in the world, was brought to his knees - forced to apologise for his conduct, having the most intimate details of his sex life made public and finally becoming only the second president in American history to be impeached."
Yet, he is still held in high esteem.
He and Hillary have been asked by Mayor Bloomberg, to bring the 2009 lighted ball down to ring in the new year.
The BBC writing, "The nation certainly seemed to support their president as opinion polls showed Mr Clinton's approval rating at an all-time high by the end of January. A high level of support was to be a recurring theme throughout the year."
And I am bewildered ... it continues still to this day.
Back to the Firefighters and "Gay" pride ... there is nothing to be proud of in what they saw and what their government forced them to do.
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