"A big 'Thanks' to each of you who called the Doubletree and its parent company, Hilton Hotels," said LaBarbera in a statement, "urging them to not allow this unbelievably depraved and unhealthy homosexual event to occur in public conference rooms."
[L]esbian blogger... "As many of you know, extreme Christian groups have been pressuring Doubletree to cancel the 'Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy,'" the announcement reads.
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CSTV- 'Obama Inauguration Pig Sex Orgy,'No shame here folks ... Even placing the president elects name in the title of the festivities.
Notice this group an extreme leftist group would love for Obama to embrace their activities.
Do you think that ABCMSNBCCBSCNN NEWS MEDIA would ask Obama if this is behavior that should be free and in public places?
Navy Chaplain in WND story: "Let us pray for our nation’s safety and repentance, during these days when Sodom and Gomorrah have been unleashed upon Washington, D.C.," he said.
Do we need to tolerate the actions of these people.
Say it ain't so President Obama or will we have to wait and see on "Don't Ask Don't Tell to realize the chaos of such an order.
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