Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Study: Americans 'Customize' Their Religion

The survey, released on Monday, also shows that among those people who describe themselves as being a Christian:

-Almost half believe that Satan does not exist.

-One-third say that Jesus sinned when he was on earth.

-Two-thirds say they do not have a responsibility to share the Gospel with others.

-One-quarter dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings...

The Christian Post noted the survey findings show Americans are now combining their beliefs from different denominations and even religions, instead of following the theological teachings of a denomination or church.

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CSTV- TONY DIGIROLAMO- We will soon have designer Christianity or multireligionism once the liberal press gets this.

And, they'll embrace it and we will move further and further from the truth.

Shouldn't we be asking, why do you be believe what you believe?

They have to be starting from somewhere to be coming up with their believe system.

If you believe in Jesus well ... he was tempted by SATAN. He rebuked SATAN in Peter for heaven sake. What gives with the ones in this study, who don't believe in SATAN?

They don't believe in Satan ... I think that that's the real problem. Guess they don't believe in Hell ... with that, no fear of God and the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

Keith Green, contemporary Christian singer/composer, wrote No One Believes In Me Anymore. It's Satan's anthem and a great song that speaks volumes how those spoken of above are misguided:

Oh, my job keeps getting easier
As time keeps slipping away
I can imitate your brightest light
And make your night look just like day
I put some truth in every lie
To tickle itching ears
You know I'm drawing people just like flies
'Cause they like what they hear
I'm gaining power by the hour
they're falling by the score
You know, it's getting very simple now
'Cause no one believe in me anymore

Enough said here right?

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