Watching the inauguration of Barack Obama you can look upon this day as the greatness of America.
It gives one a sense of pride and it gives new meaning to the words "Only in America".
From slavery, lynching, bus riding, restaurants rules, the degrading rules for people because of their skin color, now judged by the content of their character.
What we as a nation are becoming is more important than where we've been.
When this day is over it will be the presbyterian form of government, 3 branches, just as the religious Presbyterian denomination, we will see each area of this government debate the issues as "We the People" crush forward to "form a more Perfect Union".
To all our black brothers and sisters God has blessed you this day and "crowned thy good with brotherhood... Today this nation is America the Beautiful.
You cannot speak those words without Ray Charles perfomance going through your bones and the tune is right here ... RAY CHARLES!
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