BY TONY DIGIROLAMO- In the Soviet Union, Cuba, China the first thing to go down is the church ... to make sure the way for god the government is made.
This column, "Obama Vetoes Religion in the Public Square" from the Christian Post will help you to see it at work in President Barack Hussein Obama:
This is not the first time Mr. Obama has shown signs of his low view of religion in the public square. In a 2007 speech, he criticized many evangelicals involved in politics, saying, "Somehow, somewhere along the way, faith stopped being used to bring us together and started being used to drive us apart. It got hijacked. Part of it's because of the so-called leaders of the Christian Right, who've been all too eager to exploit what divides us." Mr. Obama seems to believe any religious opinions that can be construed as divisive have no place in politics. The natural conclusion is that religion's only place in the public square is to function as a kind of feel-good, unifying placebo. No one should make public arguments rooted in religious truth. By Ken Conner
America, start connecting the dots and realize what is happening right before your eyes.
Remember what Obama said in the primary that,
"Faith got Hijacked by the Christian Right."
Well, we who are on the Christian right, are wackos to the President... That we believe that abortion is wrong, Homosexuality is wrong, same sex marriage is wrong, that these things are a perversion and an antithesis to what my country and its founding fathers left us.
John Adams whose legacy is rich with foundational truths in his writings, no doubt would tell us, that this is now a nation unbridled by religion and morality and destined for a terrible misfortune.
I believe we are under great judgement. The terrorist hit The World Trade Center Towers, a symbol of our wealth, and the financial mess comes on its heels ... that is going to have us on our knees begging for mercy in the days ahead.
Do you notice that everything being done these days isn't working. What appears to look like all is in control is actually in utter chaos!
This is exactly the "change" I knew was coming.
I learned away to argue ones point, and also inform oneself of his own ignorance at the same time, is to Put yourself in the opposing sides shoes and try to look at things from another point of view. Now I am not saying ignorant as a bad thing just that one maybe unknowledgable about the subject. Now as far back as I can remember our four fathers built this country on the basis of church and state as seperate. However this is not what I am getting from the statements above