I'm looking at a word found in the Bible that should cause us a major embarrassment to any one Christian or Jew.
The word is Scoffer found in Psalm 1:1 "How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked ... Nor sit in the seat of scoffers."
A scoffer according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary definition: To mock at or treat with derision.
It is here that I will be looking at that one Word of wisdom, and many of us have gone along for the horrific ride ... to immorality, abortion, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic behavior and more.
I wrote this just a few days ago, "Allowing the Jay Leno's, and comic writings, and artists, that take my God, my Savior, the Lord Jesus to be maligned, spat upon, the butt of jokes and twisted portrayals of the truth ... We've given them all license in our silence."
We have allowed it to be done as we are told free speech is in play here. But if we had taken a stand the first time we heard it we would not be in this mess. The numbers of Christians forty years ago would have taken the media on and won.
Now it will be harder but not impossible.
Gilbert Gottfried on Jesus: I was talking to Jesus, and I said, “Jesus, I feel like no one will ever accept me.” And Jesus looked at me and said, “You know what my theory is? Accept me or go to hell.” He has more.
Feel like you should continue with Aflack? Gottfried does the duck quackin' voice.
He's just one and if you Google Jesus jokes, there are 8, 340, 000 pages of Jesus Jokes!
I feel like James Dobson when he walked out of the Reagan Commission on Pornography when he had to go through visuals of the smut ... He walked out and cried.
Well you cannot look at some of the jokes, videos and cartoons without sobbing as I have done.
Sick at heart when you personalize the one being slammed in a joke, the Lord, King, my Savior.
From The Colbert Report website, viewer knellig comments:
"What was up with that awful bit last night on the fossilized giant whale and it being proof that Jesus was the first scuba diver? Seems like Colbert's required to make a nightly Jesus Joke whether or not it's funny or even makes any sense. Is it a comment on something O'Reilly does that I don't get because I don't watch the O'Reilly Factor? Colbert and Stewart's endless snarking on Christianity strikes me as weirdly hateful and not the job of political satirists - if they mocked Islam and Mohammed every night, wouldn't the liberal audience freak out? I don't get it."
The problem here is someone troubled by Colbert's jokes but apparently knows the show well enough that he does it every night. Shut it off already ... Especially if you have a Neilson rating box hooked up to the TV.
Now, what about her comment on Islam and Mohammad?
Google Mohammad Jokes, there are 488,000 pages of Mohammad jokes.
More than 8,000,000 pages of jokes and stuff on the Savior of the world!
Scoffers?! We mock him with our silence as well.
Twisted portrayals of the truth ... We've given them all license in our silence."
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