BY TONY DIGIROLAMO- Given everything I've seen about this president is that his prideful attitude is of Biblical proportions.
Sad to say ... We all know what's on the way.
Yes ... Then this comes along:
Associated Press- Reid says Obama told him, "I have a gift" ... Harry said, "in the book that he talked to Obama in 2006 about running for president, and that Obama expressed doubts about his ability to win."
That was B.O. ... Before Oprah and before the media were getting thrills running up their legs!
And the Obama star is still rising out of the dust of a vicious primary.
Now, as president he flies Air Force One so the One can have a pictorial of his plane with the Statue of Liberty ... right near Ground Zero!!!
What?!!! How much did that photo cost? What about that carbon footprint?
Release the Buzz Photos!
Video of Air Force Airplane "Photo-Op" That Caused Panic in New York City and Jersey City
Mayor Bloomberg furious about Air Force one buzzing New York for photo op
What were you thinking sir?! "I WON".
Way to go Mr president, get all those liberals in NYC running for their lives and you had the mayor bleeding from his eyes with horror.
All we can do is watch this man rise to the fall and hope that this country won't be taken along with him.
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