For years the term "art imitating life" that scenario is in total reverse and having dark negative results on the culture.
In addition the church has embraced psychology with all of the contradictions of Freud, Maslow and Rogers philosophies.
See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ, Colossians 2:8.
They brought us the self esteem movement which is the total antithesis to scripture, we must decrease so He can increase in us, John 3:30. We must deny ourselves, Luke 9:23, die to self the Bible tells us.
And there is more...
These guys are still teaching us from the grave. Narcissism is now the product of the American people ... the product of Psychology's "Pscience".
I love this country but God must lead ... We must follow!
The one greatest example for us and denying self, is Christ, "Father, your will be done", Matthew 26:42.
This is such a difficult topic to hit with a spotlight.
Trying to turn this around will be incredibly torturous.
Only Glenn Beck knows of what I'm speaking. He is trying to alert the American people that there is a coup d'etat going on in their government and he has been screaming at the top of his lungs at times. But tonight...
He told the American people to get on their knees!
That is what we must do people to change what psychology has wrought on our country.
Psychology is an "Observable Science"... Huh, that's right, "Observable Pscience" is what it is. There is no blood test, so the shrink looks at you and makes out a prescription which may destroy your gray matter, your brain. Because that's where these meds go.
We are trying to undo a flaw that is so deep in our character ... this must be done.
We will need to do this first before this nation falls to socialism.