By Tony DiGirolamo-
I surely want this economy to turn around. I know people are hurting and can't find work.
Barack Obama is pleased that economy in December is trending better for jobs. All of us should rejoice as well and pray it continues.
It would be wonderful if the economy does a radical turn and people are getting up in the morning hitting the road to their jobs.
This president has done nothing to incentivize the job creators. It has everything to do with the American people and their resolve. They are the engine that gets it moving.
Their was a "BUYcott" on Black Friday over the Christmas season that gave it a jolt. It was the equivalent to George Bush's, Go Shopping charge to take it to the terrorist and it worked!
Here is one story from Fox News, Tea Partiers Respond: 'BUYcott Black Friday': "Anti-Occupy Wall Street groups are taking on the protesters of "Occupy Black Friday" with "BUYcott Black Friday."
Liberate Philadelphia/Liberate America, a Tea Party coalition of groups countering the "Occupy Wall Street" movement, are challenging the latest move by Occupy Wall Street protesters to occupy or boycott publicly traded retailers on Black Friday by instead encouraging consumers to shop on Black Friday to help the economy recover.
Now let's say that the economy is charging forward ... What do the GOP candidates do then what's left?
It is not just about "the economy stupid"! It has everything to do with who we are as Americans.
I believe the social-cultural issues will be upfront and center. It is a Rick Santorum keeping the effort on track the more conservative of the candidates. Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich too.
If the economy is looking like it's moving toward total recovery, what then does the GOP candidate do?
More than the economy needs to be on the agenda people.
Mark Levin, Rush and other talkers are getting ready for that, listen to Levin: Mark Levin: 'We Have a Constitutional Crisis' On his radio show last night, Mark Levin said that President Barack Obama has caused a “constitutional crisis” by appointing members to the National Labor Relations Board and a director to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau without going through the constitutionally required Senate confirmation process.
“We have a constitutional crisis," Levin said. "It is in fact a constitutional crisis."
This Constitution is the longest running of any nation on the planet… the most sought after model for constitutions on the globe.
President Obama is the leader of an assault on that great document.
And there's so much more on the scandals and the take over of companies, his record.
We had better start the mantra now along with jobs, the economy or we are in effect painting ourselves into a politically horrific corner.
Santorum seems to have the wind at his back and that may be Providential.
His stand last night in New Hampshire on "same sex marriage" is exactly what needs to be done. Stand firm.
The conservative candidates need to stand on that platform at that podium and speak the truths that made this nation the greatest.
The economy stupid ... but don't get bit in the back side ... Americans are not stupid
And like Rush Limbaugh said, I hope he fails!
Up to you...
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