Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Death in the Classrom: The failure of the public schools and ABC TV to reveal it.

Death in the Classrom: The failure of the public schools and ABC TV to reveal it.

In September of 1990, ABC's 20/20 reported that Death Education was being taught in the classroom and in field trips to funeral homes, cemetery and the like.

They commented briefly at the close of that report but what they had to say was very revealing about the public schools and whether they are competent to teach on such things.

Here is the closing remarks transcript of 20/20, "Death in the classroom". (VIDEO)

Watch the video as well and see it for your self.

The closing moments are very telling.
Here now, Hugh Downs, host and Tom Jarriel reporter:
DOWNS: Some elements of this teaching do seem overly morbid, touching cadavers and everything.

JARRIEL: Hugh, we should point out that the use of actual bodies in these classes is reasonably limited, but we had no trouble finding this course.

DOWNS: Do parents know that this is being taught in each case?

JARRIEL: That's a major problem, Hugh, that schools teaching these courses without letting the parents at home know. And the answer is for the parents, either individually or collectively as a group, if they're concerned about this, to go to their school, to find out if Death Ed is being taught and then find out what's in the curriculum because that's important. Also, is it an option for the kids or are they being pushed into this by peer pressure? Parents know whether the kids are emotionally ready for it.

DOWNS: You know, with sex education, a lot of experts feel that questions should be honestly answered, but to load a lot of information unasked on little kids is-

JARRIEL: On a young mind, it is a heavy burden to get into that type of subject, including death.

DOWNS: Right. Thank you, Tom.

JARRIEL: Certainly.

Do you believe what these guys are saying here even about Sex Education ... What about that people?!

Do you understand why those closing remarks were cut from the repeat of the show? They know that this teaching was a failure.
ABC News is a failure as a news organization for not bringing this information to the public when the Columbine shooting happened nine years later.
Lisa Shreve the producer thought it made perfect sense to revisit Columbine as they were a part of the 20/20 report.
My friend William R Coulson, psychologist consultant on that show noted the failure of schools teaching on Death in the Classroom said this: "What makes us think that American education is going to do a good job teaching death education? We ought to be trembling about the fact that the schools, which have failed to teach academics, are now presuming to teach matters of life and death."
Wake up America we have allowed our children to be led to the slaughter!

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