Friday, April 13, 2012

False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns

False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns

False conversions are a serious problem that could lead not only to the "suicide of the church" but also to the defaming of God's name, an evangelical pastor warned.

Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., told some 8,000 ministers Tuesday at the Together for the Gospel conference... They must be holy – not conceding to worldliness; there must be self-sacrifice and denying of oneself; and they must evidence love.

"If you want to get a lot of fake Christians in your church, just tell them that there is this free gift that entails no self-sacrifice and trouble"...

TONY DIGIROLAMO- LOOK AT THAT PEOPLE: "They must be holy – not conceding to worldliness; there must be self-sacrifice and denying of oneself..." AAAAND THE CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGISTS DON'T GO THERE WHEN COUNSELING... Noooo!

No, the self esteem and self love is what they teach. And the Bible teaches don't think too highly of yourself. 

I believe this teaching is false and it is the great hindrance to the church going forward in Truth.
Yes, there are a lot of false conversions out there especially if a pastor clinges to the doctrine laid out in those self help books and Christian Psychotherapy centers nationwide... Annnd don't forget the mind altering drugs and antidepressants they push which robs your Spirit of its fruit!

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