Thursday, March 5, 2009

Texas diocese to pay $775K in priest abuse lawsuit

ASSOCIATED PRESS- The Rev. Kevin Vann, bishop of the Fort Worth diocese, said he was deeply sorry for any sexual abuse the victims may have suffered by the three priests, and that he prays for their healing and reconciliation.

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You've heard it and seen it expressed what psychology has wrought in the church, Catholic and protestant as well.

William R Coulson, and his colleagues, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow saw the error of their ways early on but it was too late.

All of their books and journals were as gospel to those already running with this horror.

Coulson's page at tells us briefly what happened in the schools and the Catholic church: an experiment called the Educational Innovation Project. That project was organized in the 59 schools operated by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the West Coast.

Coulson says, "No one is looking at psychology" as the cause for many of the problems in our declining moral ethics ... our judgement has been impaired by narcissistic, self centered, if it feels good mentality.

William R Coulson trying to get the record straight, On August 18, 1994, Columnist Thomas Sowell wrote a thought provoking column on William R. Coulson, in The Detroit News titled, "The Dangers and Distortions of American Education".

He begins, "Many of us change our general outlook on life at some point or other, but few of us go back and try to repair the damage we did during an earlier period when we thought differently. Dr. William Coulson, a psychologist who once played an important role in the movement to re-orient American education from academic to psychological goals, is now trying to get people to understand what a tragic mistake that was."

William R. Coulson is a hero to me his courage spelled out in the Sowell piece is evidence of what we must do as well. Listen to the one who has sent up the warning flags alerting us that psychology is to blame for what Americans have become today.

I know ... many of you are shaking your heads but it is the truth, period!

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