Friday, March 20, 2009


Peggy Noonan said this in October during the primary, "Something new is happening in America. It is the imminent arrival of a new liberal moment. History happens, it makes its turns, you hold on for dear life. Life moves."

Life really does move, like, and this president that you spoke of in your brilliant, eloquent wordsmith manner has given us "something new"... Socialism.

Now, Noonan is the columnist that I have always thought to be a gifted writer for the conservative causes.

Her latest in the Wall Street Journal:
Neither a Hedgehog Nor a Fox

The unbearable lightness of Obama's administration.
the new secretary of homeland security, Janet Napolitano, who, in her first speech and testimony to congress, the same week as Mr. Mueller's remarks, did not mention the word terrorism once. This week in an interview with Der Spiegel, she was pressed: "Does Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose a threat to your country?" Her reply: "I presume there is always a threat from terrorism." It's true she didn't use the word terrorism in her speech, but she did refer to "man-caused" disasters.

Barack Obama the man caused disaster as he immediately unfurled his socialist agenda.

Some of us saw this coming Peggy ... we looked at the company he kept and even the church he attended for 20 years. He lied about all of the relationships he had with despicable human beings and the liberal media decided to shelter him.

You were a contributor and an enabler for many voters to think that it was okay to vote for someone who is a pro-abortionist, pro-homosexual rights and one in favor of Embryonic Stem Cell research, and the global warming madness.

Rick Warren you helped too ... this president has a "purpose driven life" that will destroy this country.

Is it possible to have a purpose driven life which will have an evil outcome?

PURPOSE being the keyword: Definition 1a, something set up as an object or end to be attained.

Peggy, the "Object" is socialism and we have seen that the "ends" justifies the means with Barack Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats.

We took too lightly what it would mean to have the most liberal/progressive thinker in the White House.

"History happens"...

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