Monday, October 10, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street Mob Call Themselves the 99%ers

The Occupy Wall Street Mob Call Themselves the 99%ers

By Tony DiGirolamo

The 99 percentile statistic the Occupy Wall Street mob floats out there in that stinking 33,000 square foot, Zucotti Park in lower Manhattan are hoping the media will pick it up.

But that 99%er statistic they throw out there is in large part consisting of Tea Party conservatives, social conservatives, Reagan Democrats coming back, middle class and poor. Latinos and some blacks albeit a small percentage but growing. But they can't claim all of that percentile for themselves.

This is a flash mob in the din and fog of unemployment and, somethings happenin' here and they don't know what it is and it ain't very clear.

This is the crowd Rush Limbaugh says colleges are producing "minds full of mush". Leftist, progressive mush.

And to add to the mix the secular environment in America five decades now, you have total undisciplined, human passion and chaos.

Like I've said many times, now that we've taken God out of the public square, How do you like America without God so far?

Or, how's that working for yuh?

This is exactly what John Adams alerted us to in his writings:

John Adams 1798 Address to the Officers of the Massachusetts militia

We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Adams speaks of human passion unbridled by morality and religion, such as this crowd and the government they seek... The Occupy Wall Street mob.

The Tea Party consists of people God fearing, law abiding citizens, men and women that love their country. The kind of people John Adams was talking about.

When they came to Washington to protest Big Government more than one million people showed up and they ALL knew exactly why they were there.

America cannot survive a secular worldview. That's the crowd that's in Zucotti Park near Wall St., near Ground Zero named after a businessman, in real estate and development in New York City.

The park use to be called Liberty Plaza Park and liberty is what we are about to lose.

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