Monday, October 24, 2011

Psychology and Guessagnosis is Not Diagnosis

Psychology and Guessagnosis is Not Diagnosis

Guessagnosis is what psychology has been doing, on ADD, ADHD, BIPOLAR, MPD and that is not where this "Pscience" ends ... Rush Limbaugh touched on it and I'm grateful someone besides me is wondering, how many guessagnosis' have there been?!

I've been waiting for a long time for the world around me to get it right on psychology.

Rush Limbaugh sited on his radio show the fraud of MPD, Multiple Personality Disorder and how psychology went on with their guessagnosis and the Hoax that it became.

Embellishment of false memory, you don't hear that one anymore, false voices and false visions has caused damage and an untold story about this industry.

Given what Dr Paul McHugh, Head Psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins U, said on 60 Minutes, MPD is a "fad and will go out the way of the Hula Hoop".

How does psychology, if it is a science, get so caught up in such an episode in its history.

How does a so called "disease" get to be a fad.

It can only happen if it were not a science.

The methods in the medical profession can claim progress in how they treat Cancer or Heart Disease. The science is what drives it properly as it gains knowledge on the human anatomy.

That is not the case in psychology where you have no basis for a diagnosis without a lab test. It is by mere observation and speculation that determines someone is ADHD or Bipolar as they call it.

How on earth do you prescribe powerful antidepressants and psychotropic drugs, mind altering drugs, without the knowledge of what they will do to the chemistry in the brain.

Talk about chemical imbalance we've heard about that over the years… Psychology is making it worse.

Simply a Guessagnosis is what it is.

My guess that much of this Pscience will go the way of the Wacky Wall Walkers, now gone but made $20 million in profits.

How much is psychology raking in on what may be a fad? Is it ADD, ADHD and Bipolar disorders which one is next.

Rush said, when the movie of Sybil Shepherd came out, 40,000 new cases of this disorder hit the Shrink market. He exclaimed, "It was a HOAX! A HOAX!!!

And he said this, "So here we have a real-life recent case of an agenda-driven hoax becoming scientific consensus and a popularly accepted concept that real decisions were based on."

The articulate one nails it!

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