Friday, January 20, 2012

The Mormon PC Mentality and Evangelicals

The Mormon PC Mentality and Evangelicals

By Tony DiGirolamo

Well, as long as Gov. Mitt Romney hesitates to release his taxes the speculation grows.

I think this has a lot to do with the Mormon church and also how many millions above the tithe will be revealed and also the ties to business.

But hey, It's all speculation and worse as the mind conjures up bigger than life scenarios. The big secret is that there are many evangelicals that are not going to vote for a Mormon. That being said, the Democrats know this and that's why the want him to be the nominee.

They know that they win if there is a good percentage of Christians that just aren't going to pull the lever for Mitt.

The vote between Gingrich, Santorum and Perry is the number that would beat Mitt hands down. But here we are again being told to nominate another RINO.

Gov. Rick Perry showed the class act that he is and stepped down before the vote. That speaks vols to the character of the man.

Sen Rick Santorum always looks like something's troubling him. And Newt knocked it out of the park last night at the CNN Debate. Like David Gergan said after the debate, Gingrich swings for the fence, while the others are getting singles and doubles maybe a triple. He got a two-fer slamming John King and the media and I can see Obama's jaw drop while he watched it upstairs in the White House.

Newt knows how to get out of the quicksand. He just stands there and you don't even see the wheels turning and then the sound bite that stings and he has the crowd on their feet. Two standing O's in first five minutes of the ball game. That will tear the skin right off of Obamas face when the Gingrich vs Obama debates begin.

Mark my words, if its Newt, Obama will agree to only one debate.

There's a lot of Mormon PC mentality going on and that's the major reason for the Texas Evangelical conference in Texas. The big guns there telling us it's about picking the most conservative candidate... Well Yeah, but the strongest chosen candidate is actually the weakest among them. I just can't get excited about a Santorum vs Obama debate. Love him and I will vote for him if he's the Nom and I promise, I'll do all I can to get him elected.

Mitt Romney, a good man, man of character a Mormon, clearly has problems beyond just releasing his tax returns.

But, I can go for the man who has turned his life around by Christ and has unpacked the baggage of his life.

It's the media that wants to continuous unpack the empty bags of Newts life ... Thank God the Savior doesn't go there ... ever again.

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